Still operating, Al’s Chickenette in Hays, Kansas, opened in 1949.
Still operating, Al’s Chickenette in Hays, Kansas, opened in 1949.
“‘I like fried chicken. At least I used to like it. One of the fixed ideas of American hospitality is that no greater honor can be paid a guest than to serve him with fried chicken, properly browned. For two or three days, you revel in the privilege of fried chicken. Then it begins to wear down your spirit and cloy your appetite. And when three towns in a single day, set the choice dish before you even a hardened hungry motor tourist cannot refrain from shuddering.” The Morning Oregonian, September 29, 1920
Long gone, the Victory Inn was located at “Victory Junction,” at the intersection of Parallel Parkway and North 139th Street.
Relocated to Abilene, Kansas in 1999, the Brookville Hotel still serves Chicken Dinners. Originally known as the Central Hotel and the Cowtown Cafe, the Brookville, Kansas, landmark business opened in the 1870s.
All Things Oz. Wagego, Kansas, businesses include the Oz Museum, Emerald City Market, and the Oz Winery, which features wines such as “Witch in a Ditch” and “A Witch gone Good.”