Crater Lake National Park.
Southwestern Oregon.
Established in 1902.
Crater Lake National Park.
Southwestern Oregon.
Established in 1902.
“Lake of extraordinary blue in crater of extinct volcano, no inlet, no outlet—Sides 1,000 feet high—Interesting lava formations—Fine fishing” National Park Service report, 1920
The hiking trail from Lightening Springs picnic area to the Watchman Overlook follows the old Rim Road.
The Pinnacles Road leads to the park’s former East Entrance.
Sections of the old Rim Road, now hiking trails, lead to vistas not seen from the present-day road. Above is Wizard Island, a “volcano within a volcano.”
“The maximum grade on any of the park roads is 10 per cent . . . The Rim Road, which comes to the verge of the lake rim at numerous vantage points, affords a magnificent view of the lake and encircling walls from different elevations and angles. . . . The rim road being completely opened by July 26.”
National Park Service report, 1920
Black Bear